Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Letter From Tara

Life is a journey and I find that right now, my journey is taking a turn. Three years ago, I walked in to Indigo and felt a deep connection that would prove to be one of lasting impact. Although my introduction to Indigo began as a yoga teacher, it effortlessly flowed into one of marketing, studio management and ultimately into business consulting and management. It was the special feeling that most people identify with that drew me to partner with a woman I now consider a dear friend, Zohra Campbell, and to Indigo..... That feeling of peace, of mission, of possibilities and most of all; heart. 
I have loved my time at Indigo and will always cherish the time here as it was also a vein of support and healing for me after a rough divorce and through a very difficult surrogate pregnancy. It has been the loving support of the students, the practitioners, the staff and all the patrons that continued to drive my purpose of building Indigo. But, now I am finding I am being drawn to my own mission.
My husband and I have had a vision of building our own wellness center in one of his commercial buildings in Gresham and now seems to be the time! Although I know that the voice I know as God is leading, the human tendencies of fear cause pause and call for deep prayer and meditation for this. The road will not be easy and I can say that we are not fully ready, but I am being pulled. 
So, with sadness, eagerness, excitement, fear and optimism, I am moving toward our dream. We will move our family of six to Gresham to begin tenant improvements and set up our business as our finance will allow. I will miss everyone at Indigo and hope that you will keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we begin the task of moving ourselves. It is my intention to teach my classes through the month of February and I do hope to see you all there so that I may soak up all the love and appreciation that my students are so used to sharing with me. It is my hope that you will continue to support and be a part of growing the Indigo family.
Much love and blessings,
Tara McGuire

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meet Tara

What I love about yoga:
I love that yoga draws me closer to the nature that God intended for me. I love that I can find myself consumed with stress and tension, feeling that life is tough and dismal, but I can choose to live my yoga and change not only my outlook, but also my experience. Whether it be climbing on my mat for asana and relieving the physical stress, or taking time for pranayama, centering my mind and physiological state, or spending time in prayer and meditation, or practicing of sowing good seeds (Karma), I am continually able to draw myself to my authentic nature that I am designed for and capable of.

The science of yoga is as broad as one could imagine and I cherish that it lends itself to union with God and serves well for but is not limited to religion.

I teach (yoga) because:
My purpose in life is to experience joy and fulfillment by inspiring and empowering individuals to live a richer and more fulfilling life. By teaching, I change lives and the knowledge that I am making a difference gives me a huge sense of fulfillment.

I’m inspired by:
New ideas and opportunity for growth and expansion. I love people and getting to know people and helping to provide a service that fills their needs excites me.

My favourite music to do practice to: 
I love to practice to anything that is soothing, but drums really get me going! 

Beautiful places I love to visit: 
My hammock in my bedroom, my daughters' beds at night, the space within my four childrens' arms, my morning neighborhood walks with my husband's hand in mine, any body of water, the quiet space in my heart where I commune with my creator, my church.

What I like to do in my spare time: 
In addition to the above, I like to draw and write poetry as well as work on my books. I am currently writing a novel based on the true story of my surrogacy.

My favourite quote: 
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” The above speech by Nelson Mandela was orignally written by Marianne Williamson

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meet Justine

What I love about yoga (or your class style)  Yoga can be practiced by anyone and anywhere. Yoga does not discriminate. My favorite style is that of B.K.S. Iyengar. His focus on proper alignment is the key to graceful aging and his life story is a prime example that yoga is for everyone. B.K.S. Iyengar is 92, still practicing, still teaching. 

I teach (yoga) because: I want to open the eyes of those that have an image in their mind of yogis with perfect bodies and rubber band flexibility. For those that think “I'm not strong enough, or I will look funny in class”. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Even yoga instructors. For example: I have a fear of handstands. There. I said it!

I’m inspired by: The sounds and sights of nature around me. My preference is to practice outdoors on my farm. 

My favorite music to do practice to: Nature inspired ambient folk and drone. I rotate the music regularly along with my class structure to avoid repetitiveness. 

Beautiful places I love to visit: My home town Victoria, BC Canada. Victoria is where I first discovered yoga and started my path towards wellness. Vancouver Island has an openness unlike anywhere I have ever experienced.  

What I like to do in my spare time: Growing vegetables and medicinal herbs is a passion that I combine with yoga. When you attend my class there will most likely be a discussion about nutrition. Regular students often enjoy the fruits of my labor. There is no such thing as too much zucchini. There will always be hungry students.! You are what you eat! 

My favorite quote: “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”  -Carl Jung

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Meet Rob

What I love about yoga:I love Yoga because anyone can practice it and the benefits are infinite. It doesn’t matter if the person is practicing in their wheelchair or training for the Olympics. In a yoga class each person focuses on their own practice, there is no competition and everyone benefits. Yoga tones and strengthens muscles, increases lung capacity and memory, it also improves organ functions and self-esteem. I love yoga because it is more like play than exercise. 
I teach (yoga) because:
I teach yoga because I am committed to passing on the life-changing skills and lessons my teachers so generously shared with me.  As a burn survivor I live with chronic pain and I know firsthand what it feels like to be painfully inflexible, physically weak, and visibly disfigured. After 90% of my body was stripped of its skin, my doctors predicted I would remain permanently disabled due to the many complications associated with my damaged skin and rigid skin grafts. Practicing yoga not only stretched my tight skin it also restored my confidence beyond all expectations. For me it is a privilege to teach yoga and share my gratitude for a second chance at life.
I’m inspired by:
I am inspired by those who show up to class and courageously roll out their mat as they initiate their own healing journey.  I know the most difficult step to a healthier lifestyle is the first step. I am inspired when I look across the room and see the eyes of a student light up as they discover new strength and their confidence is restored. I am inspired by the many yoga teachers who I work with and learn from who have dedicated their lives to sharing their practice with others.
My favorite music to practice Yoga to:One of my favorite recordings to practice yoga to is Native American Drums and Flute by Various Artists. However, the sound of my students breath is the most beautiful music of all.
Beautiful places I love to visit:
My favorite places to visit are the places where I can spend time with my children and grandchildren.  I also love the beautiful swimming holes in the Willamette National Forest and rafting along the Columbia River Gorge. Closer to home, I love to visit the many beautiful parks in Salem.
What I like to do in my spare time:In my spare time I like to ride my bike with my dog, Shiva. I love working in my garden and cooking. When it is time unwind I enjoy reading and relaxing in my hammock.
One of my favorite quotes:
“Nourish your body with your breath.” Rainbow Mars--

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Meet Lisa

Meet Nia teacher, Lisa:

What I love about Nia is that I feel like I've come home to me.  I am to to to move to be at to energize in a way that honors my body, mind, spirit and emotions....always.  Never forcing....merely a gentle guiding energy to keep me present, aware and in love with my body. 

I teach Nia because it is a passion for me and I was called to....this is another step in my journey in regaining balance.  I have spent most of this life(until 4 years ago) forcing, manipulating or starving my body in one way or another through disordered eating.  I healed from the desire to hurt myself any further when I asked to be freed of this obsession when I was attuned to Reiki energy 4 years ago.  In time....I was ready for more healing and since I love to move... I was seeking a way to move my body that honored my environment that directly and indirectly said, "Something is wrong with you....lose weight....manipulate your body to look a certain way OR that only addressed me a physical being."  I was deeply seeking from a soul level for some form of movement that honored the totality of who I am.  In meditation I had seen myself in a field with about 200 people moving in a very Duncan Dance way.....light... free....joyful.  I shared this with my yogi friend, Tera, while I was living in Texas(can you imagine I had to go all the way to Texas to discover my sanctuary in Nia when the International Headquarters for Nia are in Portland, OR and I'm a native Oregonian?!.....when the student is ready the teacher will appear) ....she said, " would like Nia."  I googled it, found a video of Carlos Aya Rosas, one of the Nia co-founders, leading a class in an amazingly playful way....and I wept.....I KNEW I had found my answer and was beginning to find me.  Nia is very simply a part of my healing process and I have a passion to share that with those who are seeking. 
I’m inspired by my 9 year old daughter.  She keeps me present, playful, joyful and she is very clearly my teacher.  Her wisdom humbles me and it is an honor to be her mother.
My favourite music to do practice to is always changing....Practice for me always involves a lot of freedance and so I love the unique and wide variety of the Nia music....a wide variety of artists that evoke emotion and passion within.  Aside from the Nia music, I also enjoy freedancing and exploring with artists like Deva Premal and Miten, John Mayer, Lenny Kravitz, Charley Thweatt, Michael Jackson, Seal....the list goes on and on....I love all types of music.
Beautiful places I love to visit....hmmmmm....let's see I lived in Italy for a couple of years and I love Florence, Italy!  I enjoy being outside with I love the beach here in Oregon, the mountains, lakes....communing with nature.  Zoe, my daughter, and I enjoy tubing at Hoodoo.
What I like to do in my spare time:  I home school my daughter and so we are frequently off on an adventure as life is school.  My retired school teacher father will be helping us now that we've moved back to Oregon and this will be a welcome support!  I enjoy going to concerts, hanging out with family and friends, sharing Reiki and doing energy work, camping, hiking, spending time with our funny and wonderful puppy, reading, dancing, being outside, going to the beach and continuing upon my journey of well-being and balance.
My favourite quote: "...Be the change you wish to see in the world" Mahatma Ghandi